$99: RMT Massage with Facial (Reg: $175)
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1. You must have a near me account.
2. Simply show this promotion from your smartphone.
3. You pay them. Business clicks the red Redeem button.
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Coupon Details
PAY $99 AT THE BUSINESS LOCATION with your near me mobile discount and get a Relaxing RMT Massage with Facial at Yorkville Massage Therapy!• VALID MONDAY TO FRIDAY ONLY.
• Limit of 2 discounts per account.
• Limit 1 per visit.
• Package Includes: 1-45-minute RMT Massage and 1-60 minute Customized Facial.
• Facials are specialized to each individual and include exfoliation, extraction, facial massage and a collagen soft mask.
• An $80 RMT receipt will be provided upon request.
• Complimentary tea is available for all guests.
• Not valid with any other offer.
• A 48-hour cancellation policy applies.
• Taxes Extra.
Regular Value $175
Yorkville Massage Therapy
130 Cumberland St.
3rd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5R1A6
Therapists Detals
Yorkville Massage Therapy
Registered Massage Therapy
"The practice of massage therapy is the assessment of the soft tissue and joints of the body and the treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissues and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function, or relieve pain."
Our Massage Therapist Team
We have over 13 registered massage therapists offering a wide variety of massage modalities. Please let us know what your preferences are when booking your appointments to maximize your massage experience.
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